
Sotiris Di. Bampagiouris

Sotiris studied Agronomic Sciences in Technological Agricultural Institute of Crete and got specialized in ecological & biodynamic farming in France | Ecole d’ Agrobiologie de Beaujeu, and Group de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique.

He holds diploma on “Sustain Earth and its People” from Renewing Earth and its People Foundation|J.Doran and Ecology Action in Nebraska | USA.

He has worked in organic-food companies, members of Association des producteurs biologiques du Rhône et de la Loire | ARDAB.

He is co-founder at BioForum SA, sub-Representative of Greece in

Sotiris has been setting up projects to connect Land, Gastronomy and Responsibility of Hospitality on Crete since 1997.

He works between Farming and Tourism business in order to build a “Sustainable Food Destination”.

With the Team of Local Food Experts sce, he works to Build more locally based self-reliant Food economies.